Archivio per il tag 'forza'

Ritardare e ribaltare la fragilità negli anziani: una rassegna sistematica

John Travers, Roman Romero-Ortuno, Jade Bailey and Marie-Therese Cooney
Br J Gen Pract 3 December 2018


Background Recommendations for routine frailty screening in general practice are increasing as frailty prevalence grows. In England, frailty identification became a contractual requirement in 2017. However, there is little guidance on the most effective and practical interventions once frailty has been identified.

Aim To assess the comparative effectiveness and ease of implementation of frailty interventions in primary care.

Design and setting A systematic review of frailty interventions in primary care.

Method Scientific databases were searched from inception to May 2017 for randomised controlled trials or cohort studies with control groups on primary care frailty interventions. Screening methods, interventions, and outcomes were analysed in included studies. Effectiveness was scored in terms of change of frailty status or frailty indicators and ease of implementation in terms of human resources, marginal costs, and time requirements.

Results A total of 925 studies satisfied search criteria and 46 were included. There were 15 690 participants (median study size was 160 participants). Studies reflected a broad heterogeneity. There were 17 different frailty screening methods. Of the frailty interventions, 23 involved physical activity and other interventions involved health education, nutrition supplementation, home visits, hormone supplementation, and counselling. A significant improvement of frailty status was demonstrated in 71% (n = 10) of studies and of frailty indicators in 69% (n=22) of studies where measured. Interventions with both muscle strength training and protein supplementation were consistently placed highest for effectiveness and ease of implementation.

Conclusion A combination of muscle strength training and protein supplementation was the most effective intervention to delay or reverse frailty and the easiest to implement in primary care. A map of interventions was created that can be used to inform choices for managing frailty.

Una nuova Rivista nel mondo delle scienze dello sport

A new scientific Journal in the sport sciences world.

“We wanted to focus on a quality journal, a prestigious publication that could, in some way, convey to a wide readership our point of view on the evolution of training, and, in particular, on the evolution of strength training applied to weightlifting …

Strength was a major element in standing up to observe and do- minate the surrounding area and beyond: slowly and steadily or with bursts of strength, mankind has come a long way. Strength was also paramount to the develop- ment of man’s cognitive abilities, the ability to move in his immedia- te surroundings, to interact with the environment and to process the ensuing stimuli …

We must invest in culture, the vehicle with which we can spread knowledge and experience. The world of sport needs to reflect on the importance of culture and we feel it is our duty to set the ball rol- ling and continue on this journey.”

(Source: Editorial Antonio Urso EWF President)

I benefici del movimento per gli adulti di ogni età

 Siate Attivi, Meno Seduti, Costruite la Forza, Migliorate l’Equilibrio

Cominciate da Ora

Prendiamoci una pausa dallo stress

Stremati da un’ambiente circostante che ci chiede continuamente risposte

prendiamoci una pausa

e riflettiamo su questo pensiero che Marco Aurelio espresse migliaia di anni fa

“Si ha potere sulla propria mente, non sugli eventi esterni. Realizza questo e troverai la tua forza.” 

Gianluigi Quinzi: sogni pure ma lavori duramente

Gianluigi Quinzi ha appena vinto il torneo juniores di Wimbledon. Si trova in una posizione invidiabile (ha vinto il torneo più prestigioso e solo un altro italiano vi è riuscito in passato) ma si trova sul baratro di aspettative personali e di pressioni  dell’ambiente esterno estremamente forti. Riuscirà nell’impresa? Nessuno può saperlo, ma se riuscirà a gestire con efficacia questa incertezza e si allenerà duramente allora avrà acquisito una tale forza mentale che il futuro potrebbe essergli amico.